pro voke touch of silver szampon

Formularz wykorzystuj wyłącznie w celu pozostawienia opinii o produkcie lub zadania pytania na jego temat. Komentarz będzie widoczny dopiero po wcześniejszym zweryfikowaniu go przez naszych pracowników. Potrzebujemy go wyłącznie, aby móc poinformować Cię o tym, że pojawiła się odpowiedź na Twoje pytanie lub inny klient odniósł się do Twojej opinii. Nie kupiłem tego tutaj, ale nie podobał mi się ten szampon. Mam pasemka i ten produkt nie tylko nie zneutralizował żółknięcia, ale także wywołał reakcję alergiczną. Zapach jest bardzo chemiczny. Również dobrze odbarwiały, ale strasznie przesuszały moje włosy, a blond włosy już i tak cierpią. Z tymi produktami tak nie jest. Moje włosy są żywe i łatwe do rozczesania. W celu świadczenia usług na najwyższym poziomie nasza strona wykorzystuje pliki cookies. W każdym momencie możesz dokonać zmiany ustawień w swojej przeglądarce. Więcej szczegółów znajdziesz w zakładce Polityka prywatności. Pro:Voke Touch of Silver.

pro voke touch of silver szampon

pro voke touch of silver szampon

pro voke touch of silver szampon

pro voke touch of silver szampon

pro voke touch of silver szampon

Formulated with a unique mix of violet and blue pigments, this purple shampoo restores your hair colour by removing yellow and orange brassy tones, whilst optical brighteners add shine. I recently bought this in Tesco and I honestly cant get over the results!! I am very protective of my hair and this has transformed my blonde. I also cant get over the price of the products! I bought this product pre-lockdown, I saw it was on offer and had wanted to try something that would give my naturally blonde hair a pick me up. I was really surprised that I saw a difference after the first wash in terms of lightening the colour of my hair.

Pro voke touch of silver szampon. PROVOKE PROVOKE T. OF SILVER CLAR. SZAMPON ML Drogerie Natura

Ekaterina, CHerkassy. Z tymi produktami tak nie jest. Moje włosy są żywe i łatwe do rozczesania. Darmowa dostawa już od 99 zł! Easy to use, never purple. Brill shampoo — RozBoz Great shampoo to help tone down any brassiness before I get a chance to get it coloured again. I would always recommend the product to all my friends with colour treated hair as I believe the quality of this product matches the value for my money, pro voke touch of silver szampon. Manicure i pedicure. After bleaching my hair I always get banana yellow tones and this lifts them after just one wash. A little goes a long way and helps keep brassiness at bay.

Was a bleached blonde in my younger years so have now switched to the kinder alternative tint.

  • Having used this a few times I can see my hair looks brighter and is a better tone.
  • This looked a bit scary to put on my hair at first but it didn’t leave any purple tones in my hair.
  • Touch of sliver — Serah25 Excellent product.
  • Kosmetyki naturalne i organiczne.


Purple rinse! Very good shampoo — Em90 The colour is a little alarming but honestly has made my hair look so much brighter in combination with the conditioner. Serum i eliksiry. Brass be Gone! Game changer! At the moment I have a blonde ombre and I still use this, not as often pro voke touch of silver szampon I was platinum blonde, but time to time correct any yellowness coming through. This shampoo helped to take out yellow brassy tones in my blonde hair. Mine is platinum so works out fab. Oddzwonimy do Ciebie! Serum i fluidy do włosów.

pro voke touch of silver szampon

pro voke touch of silver szampon

Szampon rozjaśniający, eliminujący żółte odcienie - Pro:Voke Touch Of Silver Brightening Shampoo

Touch of Silver Purple Toning. After continuous use I am really satisfied with the product as my hair is lighter, healthier and in such a good condition. I would always recommend the product to all my friends with colour treated hair as I believe the quality of this product matches the value for my money. Love it! Kąpiel i prysznic. The shampoo was great and better than others I have tried. Zadaj pytanie, pro voke touch of silver szampon. I would recommend to use it before a night out rather than for every wash. Produkty z tej samej serii. Brass be Gone! It is fabulous at keeping my blonde hair bright.

Brass be Gone! I have been using this for 30 years- at the time it was the only product that would tone yellow hair. If you leave it on for twenty minutes it makes your hair a multi tonal silver. Popularne kraje. Smells lovely. Pro:Voke Touch of Silver.

Zapachy do domu. This shampoo certainly brightened up my colour hair. Touch of silver — Katie Amazing for bleached hair. I have reviewed it along with the conditioner. If you leave it on for twenty minutes it makes your hair a multi tonal silver. Wyprzedaż Nowości Zestawy. Not so great — Kirsten66G I found this shampoo really drying. I always have my hair coloured but felt pro voke touch of silver szampon was a slight yellowness to it this time, pro voke touch of silver szampon. This shampoo helped to take out yellow brassy tones in my blonde hair. Slightly drying but not enough for me to stop using this product. Game changer! Will definitely be using this regularly from now on. Odżywki i suplementy dla sportowców. Tekst wiadomości. The shampoo is quite liquidy, deep purple and it really works to tone brassiness. Fab use twice weekly — Gemmabear83 I use this product twice z week and have done for a few years. Brass be Gone!

pro voke touch of silver szampon

pro voke touch of silver szampon

pro voke touch of silver szampon